Sunday, March 27, 2011


I had this insight in bed a few nights ago.  To present UPLIFT as an abstract scenario for the best route beyond societal collapse and climate disaster; to mobilize matching real human activity and needs, free from all societal assumptions and paradigms.

    There are no positive scenarios for our future that are not grossly naive or pure fantasy.  The best positive scenarios involve networks of small communities surviving collapse and a long dark age with a possibility of a new humanity emerging.  Survivors will experience severe Earth changes that will persist for many centuries, only the degree of severity is uncertain.
    The naive positive scenarios either deny both collapse and climate change, describing simple magical myths of the an illusionary status quo going on forever; or they believe technological fixes will avoid collapse and climate change.  Then there are the many who don't really care what the end game will be, as they expect Rapture or some variant; their focus is on salvation and an afterlife.
    Probably the majority of people are only aware the things are getting more unstable and that something "big" may be coming.
    Scientists and technologists speculate on ways to slow global heating or means to mitigate the impact on humankind. Yet, all these suggested solutions call for massive collaborative effort of both governments and corporations, involving resources beyond imagination.  The forecasted economic collapse and other societal disintegrations renders any coordinated action highly unlikely.
    No matter which perspective one personally has about the future, they are usually unable to imagine a scenario where both severe climate change & societal collapse  is the condition; but where humans learn and organize for collaboration and coordination to optimize how all humans will survive/thrive both climate change and economic collapse and work together to create a new global humanity in harmony with a healing Gaia.

    Let us try to look at our contemporary reality from perspectives free from all ideologies and paradigms. This is really not possible, but maybe trying to get as close as possible may give us some valuable insights.
    Let us start by thinking of each human being with their immediate needs (real and imagined) and their competencies, visions and potentials.  Imagine a massive data base with all this information.  This could actually be done, in our alternative scenario. But not immediately.
    Let us also start by thinking of the state of the physical world, without spin.  This data is also available, and could be accessed and used in our alternative scenario. But not immediately.
    We could also create computer models and simulations how the complex processes would unfold, on the basis of meeting needs and future goals independent of what economic or political processes may be involved.
    What projects and tasks need to be performed to move the state of the physical world and the needs of each person towards a family of positive visions?
        This will require almost everyone to participate full time in worthwhile endeavors which they enjoy and learn.  There would be no unemployment, but also no one will be employed.  Employment is a category of human behavior invented with the industrial revolution. Some of this work will be done to insure that everyone has their positive basic needs met.
        Societal practices that are destructive will be phased out and replaced by constructive practices.  Natural resources will be conserved and utilized in ways that are sustainable. Excess profit, that exploits labor and fails to pay real costs will no longer exist.
        An experimental process of uplift education will raise the cognitive and performance competencies of everyone, taking into full account their diversity and individual differences.  The skills and knowledge needed by the population as they undertake  the transformation/emergence change will radically change how humans organize, work, love, and learn.
    What changes in lifestyles will be required?
        These changes will not magically appear and will need care and intelligent assistance.
        As the poor are provided with basics and learning they will need to learn how to live outside poverty and not immediately demand material luxuries whose production for the wealthy have contributed to our crisis-of-crises.
        Those who now consume resources well beyond their real needs will need to change their lifestyles to be more in balance with the realities of our crises. No one needs to slip into poverty, nor to immediately give up many of the comforts.  But, we must realize that excess consumption must be sharply curtailed for a few generations (and hopefully not to return).  However, the quality of relationships and personal well-being should increase for everyone.
        We might view the 21st century as the century of expedition, or migration-in-time to a better, humane and sustainable world. What some might view as sacrifice, others will welcome as freedom from burdens.

    We must free ourselves from the boxes we are trapped within.  Money and The Economy are NOT the issue.  Nor is Government the issue, or corruption, or militarism or corporatism.  These are but mindsets obsessed with symptoms, blocking imaginative action. The way to a better future is impossible so long as our thoughts and actions are constrained within these delusional systems.  The financial and economic systems cannot be transformed to do what is needed.  The same applies to all the means by which individuals and groups communicate - how they dialog, deliberate, decide and actually collaborate in action. Most of the people must view their future as not being employed (working for the profit of others), but instead having a life of learning and doing in ways that improve life for everyone and insure the best possible world for our children and grandchildren.  They will be free of worry about basic survival, although there may be times when they must take "shelter from storms".
    Individuals will be respected, so long as their actions are not destructive.  People will be insured leisure and assistance in pursuing personal goals. Yet, all should realize that we are all in collective danger and must work together to both survive and to create a truly better and sustainable global humanity that respects diversity.
    Arguments can be made demonstrating that existing systems cannot be reformed to bring about the alternative scenario. I will not go into them at this time.
    I have created a draft scenario whereby populations can uplift their cognitive and performance competencies while organizing and learning person-to-person, free of the usual societal constraints.  Instead of organizing to influence existing societal systems, the uplift movement organizes to create an alternative societal system to replace the system now collapsing.  This is the biggest enterprise ever imagined and the details cannot be briefly presented.
    What is needed, now, is the emergence of a new educational system where educator/learners learn what I know about the Bootstrap Uplift Scaffolding (BUS) and contribute to the improvement and refinement of BUS so that an uplift movement emerges from these initial participants, and with the BUS product can begin to spread the uplift movement through the whole population.  One of the tasks of the uplift movement would be to make the alternative scenario manifest. For most people, the feasibility of the alternative scenario and uplift cannot be comprehended by passive reading or listening.


  1. Some may want to classify my alternative scenario under the ideal of "communism". True, there are some similarities. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." - Marx.

    Today we have the technology to perform such a mapping, actually many mappings of abilities to needs. And, to add needs for learning and development, for UPLIFT.

    We have the tools to create a viable and sustainable democracy that meets the criteria of Marx, and more. But, we have been long indoctrinated to believe that this is an unreachable ideal and that we must settle for corporatism and fundamentalism.

  2. We can do it, of that I have no doubt - designing the how and when of it is going to be the fun part.

    Observing the current state of the internet and of leading edge human consciousness and competencies I feel that we are definitely heading in the direction of manifesting a thrivable and enjoyable future.

    It would be interesting (and IMO desirable and useful) to have a real time data analysis display of the emerging paradigm - an "all in one" observation system from which to gather feedback and ongoing insight into the rate and nature of change in the 'noosphere'.




    GB, I had a comment to you that I lost.

  4. Almost a year has gone by since this blog was active. I just re-read the four initial posts, and would like to edit them all.

    During this interval I have become aware of the awesome emergence of collaborative activity of creative and energetic persons working for emergence. In many ways this activity is fully consistent with my UPLIFT visions. At the same time I still notice many critical aspects missing, which I believe must be attended to for ultimate success. Yet, I am encouraged as I believe that this new movement (P2P & Beyond) has capacity to tackle this challenge. I hope to enter more posts soon.
