Thursday, March 24, 2011


The deep and longer-term process of climate change (of which global warming is but one feature, and where climate change is but one part of a more extensive Earth Change) is often difficult for some to understand through the turbulence of weather and the increasing frequency of natural disasters. The attention attracting and calls for immediate action from the many shorter-term disasters masks needed attention to the underlying issues in climate change.

In analogy, the increasing turbulence in societal  (economic, political, military, media, etc.) domains masks the underlying longer-term process of global societal collapse.  Indeed, it may well be that most attempts to comprehend global societal collapse in terms of dynamics in the surface domains (economic, political, etc.) divert study away from deeper processes.

Typical causes of collapse, such as the money system, corporations, empire building, greed, corruption,etc. may be like the turbulent weather masking the underlying processes of climate change.  It is not that the way money is created isn't a real driver, or that the power of corporations to control other societal process isn't a real driver.  But, these are not primary causes, they are surface manifestations of deeper processes. Why do these drivers exist and propagate?

What these deeper processes are is an open investigation.  I have some suggestions, but am in need of constructive dialog.  Briefly, we must seriously question our fundamental assumptions on the nature of reality, human consciousness and being, organizing and learning, language, communication and sharing, and the nature of "change" itself.  But, I am not pointing to contemporary discourse on these topics. This discourse is itself a surface turbulence which masks efforts of probing deeper.

An example of this. I was immediately attracted to a webinar series titled Beyond Awakening, a term I had been using for one aspect of the effort I see needed but missing.  Unfortunately, many stars of the "alternative movement" presented, but each seemed to use the webinar as a forum to further promote their personal agendas.  All these good people deeply believe they already know what is wrong and how to fix it.  In a way I am doing the same; but I have only one "cause" - that we must accept that we really don't yet know what is wrong or the if "fixing" is really the best action.  We must begin searching for "what is missing" in our ideas about reality and change.

On the surface we can see a direct relationship between weather turbulence and societal collapse; but this is not the analogy I am trying to point out.  Rather, contemporary societal turbulence captures our attention and keeps us from examining the roots of societal collapse; much in the same way weather turbulence and consequential natural disasters masks serious attention to the roots of climate change and Earth Changes.

While there are many quality persons working on comprehending the scientific basics of climate change, they appear to be losing to the turbulence in the societal domain (the dedicated anti-science movement).  This growing resistance to doing something about climate change is rooted in the independent turbulence in the societal domain.  Unfortunately there is not yet a quality scientific effort to comprehend the deeper processes underlying societal collapse as there is quality scientific effort to comprehend climate change.  Indeed, the confusion between these two domains conflates action to the more physical climate domain and away from the more social/psychological domains.

The climate/Earth change threats are very real and very scary.  There are many scenarios that humans could do to minimize the consequences of these threats.  While we continue to research these options we need to accept that few of them will be implemented by our current societal systems. Ideas about how humankind as currently configured can reorganize to properly attend to the climate/Earth change threat are grossly naive.

Although the climate/Earth change threat (earth2100 ABC 2-hour video on June 2) is very real, it is not the threat we should be attending to.  Our real threat is not just societal collapse that makes it more and more difficult to attend to the former threat. Our real threat is that there is no attention given to seriously explore why humankind is blocked in its ability to transform or emerge, to quickly reorganize in a viable process so we can attend to the climate/Earth change.  In short, we must cease simply trying to prevent collapse or even to materially/spiritually survive collapse, but explore what might be done to emerge a viable global humanity capable of not only surviving the Earth changes that are destined to come, but to begin, now, creating what will insure Humanity/Gaia survival/thrival many millions of years into the future.

My  Bootstrap UPLIFT Scaffolding/Scenario is a very rough draft of a process that might meet the above requirements.


  1. Bravo, Larry. I posted a comment but it was not accepted. Now it's lost. Another reason to choose WordPress instead of Blogspot.

  2. Tom, sorry your comment was lost. I've yet to find truly stable apps. I often lose comments, and should copy/paste them to somewhere else before posting.

    Is our problem really Blogspot vs WordPress?

  3. I feel sad to be reading this only after learning about Larry's passing. So much of what is here resembles my own struggles of trying to undermine the current systems of control corporations & other structures that currently rule the world have, including how at the organizational level we need Ashbey’s Law of Requisite Variety, something I realized, but never knew there was a name for.
    Is anyone still managing this website &/or attempting to carry out any of Larry's ideas? If nothing else, I would love to compare how much of what we have independently cleaned matches. But also, I may have some very valuable insights on organizing: ideas about how to get from where we are to where Larry wanted to go FROM here that may be as unique as were Larry's own insights.
    I HOPE someone is attempting to continue this. There is a LOT of value to be found here.
